M. Karasawa, K. Sasahara, and R. Hache, What You Eat Reveals Who You Are: Food Identity and Its Value Implications in Consumers Behavior (submitted)
P. Ghasiya and K. Sasahara, Indian Legacy and Digital Media on YouTube: A Comparative Analysis of News Narratives and User Engagement (submitted) [OSF]
W. Xu, K. Sasahara, J. Chu, B. Wang, W. Fan, and Z. Hu, A multidisciplinary framework for deconstructing bots' pluripotency in dualistic antagonism (submitted) [arXiv]
N. Otomo, M. Mizuno, K. Sasahara, Y. Sano, Quantifying collective enthusiasm and fan engagement: A case study of the Japanese professional baseball league (submitted) [Research Square]
M. Hashimoto, Y. Takazawa, and K. Sasahara, Are Meat Alternatives a Moral Concern? A Comparison of English and Japanese Tweets, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11(1280), 2024 [OSF]
W. Xu and K. Sasahara, Domain-based user embedding for competing events on social media (submitted) [arXiv]
K. Miyazaki, T. Uchiba, H. Kwak, J. An, and K. Sasahara, The Influence of Toxic Trolling Comments on Anti-vaccine YouTube Videos, Scientific Reports 14 (5088), 2024 [Research Square]
M. Haruyama and K. Hidaka, What influences users to provide explicit feedback? A case of food delivery recommenders , User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction [Research Square]
P. Ghasiya. G. Ahnert, and K. Sasahara, Identifying Themes of Right-Wing Extremism in Hindutva Discourse on Twitter, Social Media + Society 9(3), 2023 [OSF]
P. Ghasiya and K. Sasahara, Messaging Strategies of Ukraine and Russia on Telegram during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, First Monday 28(8), 2023 [Research Square]
S. Okuda, M. Hosaka, and K. Sasahara, Detecting directional forces in the evolution of grammar: A case study of the English perfect with intransitives across EEBO, COHA, and Google Books, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10(285), 2023 [arXiv]
K. Miyazaki, T. Uchiba, K. Tanaka, J. An, H. Kwak, and K. Sasahara, "This is Fake News": Characterizing the Spontaneous Debunking from Twitter Users to COVID-19 False Information, ICWSM 2023 [arXiv]
M. Barni, Y. Fang, Y. Liu, L. Robinson, K. Sasahara, S. Vincent, X. Wang and Z. Wu, Combating Misinformation/ Disinformation in Online Social Media: A Multidisciplinary View. APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing 11(2) e42, 2022
P. Ghasiya and K. Sasahara, Rapid Sharing of Islamophobic Hate on Facebook: The Case of the Tablighi Jamaat Controversy, Social Media + Society 8(4), 2022 [Research Square]
K. Miyazaki, T. Uchiba, K. Tanaka, and K. Sasahara, Aggressive behaviour of anti-vaxxers and their toxic replies in English and Japanese, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9(299), 2022 [Research Square]
J. Shi, P. Ghasiya, and K. Sasahara, Psycho-linguistic differences among competing vaccination communities on social media, APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing 11(1) e15, 2022 [arXiv]
W. Xu and K. Sasahara, A Network-Based Approach to QAnon User Dynamics and Topic Diversity During the COVID-19 Infodemic, APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing 11(1) e17, 2022 [arXiv]
D. Gamage, P. Ghasiya, V. K. Bonagiri, M. E. Whiting, and K. Sasahara, Are deepfakes concerning? Exploring societal implications of deepfake conversations on Reddit, The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2022 (CHI'22), 2022 [arXiv]
T. Igarashi, S. Okuda, and K. Sasahara, Development of the Japanese Version of the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count Dictionary 2015 (J-LIWC2015), Frontiers in Psychology 13:841534, 2022 [PsyArXiv]
W. Xu and K. Sasahara, Characterizing the roles of bots on Twitter during the COVID-19 infodemic, Journal of Computational Social Science 5, pp. 591-609, 2022 [ariXiv]
D. Gamage, J. Chen, and K. Sasahara, The Emergence of Deepfakes and its Societal Implications: A Systematic Review, Truth and Trust Online 2021
M. Singh, R. Kaur, A. Matsuo, S. R. S. Iyengar, and K. Sasahara, Morality-based Assertion and Homophily on Social Media: A Cultural Comparison between English and Japanese Languages, Frontiers in Psychology 12: 768856, 2021 [arXiv]
K. Miyazaki, T. Uchiba, K. Tanaka, and K. Sasahara, Characterizing the Anti-Vaxxers’ Reply Behavior on Social Media, WI-IAT '21: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, 2021 [arXiv]
A. Matsuo, B. Du, and K. Sasahara, Appraisal of the Fairness Moral Foundation Predicts the Language Use Involving Moral Issues on Twitter Among Japanese, Frontiers in Psychology 12:599024, 2021
K. Sasahara, W. Chen, H. Peng, G. L. Ciampaglia, A. Flammini and F. Menczer, Social Influence and Unfollowing Accelerate the Emergence of Echo Chambers, Journal of Computational Social Science 4(1), pp 381-402, 2021 [arXiv]
水野, 佐野, 笹原「熱狂するファンダム― プロ野球ファンのツイートを分析する―」マーケティングジャーナル40(4), pp. 6-18, 2021
奥田, 笹原「Twitterデータを用いた新型コロナ禍における転売現象の分析 ―転売商品のトレンドと消費者心理―」, オペレーションズ・リサーチ 66(4), pp. 224-231, 2021
鳥海, 笹原, 奥田, 福原, 計算社会科学による新型コロナウイルス関連相談分析の試み, 国民生活研究 60(2), pp. 16-55, 2020
保坂, 奥田, 笹原, ことばの変化と進化 ―英語の完了構文の盛衰をめぐって, 歴史言語学9, pp. 107-117, 2020
笹原, フェイクやヘイトを助長するネットの言語, 歴史言語学9, pp. 119-128, 2020
M. Hosaka , S. Okuda and K. Sasahara, Evolutionary Forces in the Development of the English Perfect Construction, The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference (EvoLang13), 2020
笹原和俊, 杜宝発, ソーシャルメディアにおける道徳的分断:LGBTツイートの事例, 社会情報学8(2), 2019
*A. Matsuo, *K. Sasahara, Y. Taguchi, and M. Karasawa, Development and Validation of the Japanese Moral Foundations Dictionary, PLoS ONE 14(3): e0213343, 2019 [arXiv] [github] *equal contribution
K. Sasahara, You are what you eat: A social media study of food identity, Journal of Computational Social Science 2(2), pp.103-117, 2019 [arXiv]
笹原和俊, つぶやきの中のモラル, 人工知能34(2), pp. 146-151, 2019
T. Yo and K. Sasahara, Inference of Personal Attributes from Tweets Using Machine Learning, Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Big Data, pp. 3086-3092, 2017 [arXiv]
笹原和俊, ソーシャルメディアの集合知とエコーチェンバー現象, Biophilia 23, pp. 40-45, 2017
余岳,笹原和俊,機械学習と深層学習を用いたソーシャルデータからの個人属性の推定,信学技報 NLC2017-26(2017-09), pp. 59-74, 2017
R. Kaur and K. Sasahara, Quantifying moral foundations from various topics on Twitter conversations, Proceeding of the 2016 IEEE Big Data, pp.2505-2512, 2016 [arXiv]
K. Sasahara, Visualizing Collective Attention Using Association Networks, New Generation Computing 34(4), pp.323-340, 2016
笹原和俊, 連想ネットワークによる集合注意の可視化, 人工知能学会論文誌 30(6), 2016
A. Kershenbaum et al. Acoustic Sequences in Non-Human Animals: A Tutorial Review and Prospectus, Biological Reviews 91(1), pp.13-52, 2016
Y. Takeichi, K. Sasahara, R. Suzuki, and T. Arita, Concurrent Bursty Behavior of Social Sensors in Sporting Events, PLoS ONE 10(12): e0144646, 2015 [arXiv] [Data]
K. Sasahara, O. Tchernichovski, M. Takahasi, K. Suzuki, and K. Okanoya, A rhythm landscape approach to the developmental dynamics of birdsong, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12(112): 20150802, 2015 [Data]
S. Saito, Y. Hirata, K. Sasahara, H. Suzuki, Tracking Time Evolution of Collective Attention Clusters in Twitter: Time Evolving Nonnegative Matrix Factorisation, PLoS ONE 10(9): e0139085, 2015
田中一輝, 笹原和俊, 都知事選2014における"More Tweets, More Votes"仮説の検証, インタラクション2015, pp.21-27, 2015
Y. Takeichi, K. Sasahara, R. Suzuki, and T. Arita, Twitter as Social Sensor: Dynamics and Structure in Major Sporting Events, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (ALIFE14), pp.778-784, 2014
K. Sasahara. Quantifying Collective Mood by Emoticon Networks, Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci14), pp.253-254, ACM, 2014
笹原和俊, SNSにおけるコミュニケーション動態と集合現象の創発, 計測と制御 53(9), pp. 841-846, 2014
D. Lipkind, G. Marcus, D. Bemis, K. Sasahara, J. Nori, M. Takahasi, K. Suzuki, O. Feher, P. Ravbar, K. Okanoya, and O. Tchernichovski, Stepwise Acquisition of Vocal Combinatorial Capacity in Songbirds and Human Infants, Nature 498, pp.104-108, 2013
K. Sasahara, Y. Hirata, M. Toyoda, M. Kitsuregawa, and K. Aihara, Quantifying Collective Attention from Tweet Stream, PLoS ONE 8(4): e61823, 2013
K. Sasahara, Y. Hirata, M. Toyoda, M. Kitsuregawa, and K. Aihara, Emergence of Collective Attention and Dynamics of Retweet Networks, Proceedings of ECAL 2013 Workshop on Collective Behaviours and Social Dynamics, pp.23-24, 2013
K. Sasahara, M. L. Cody, D. Cohen, and C. E. Taylor, Structural Design Principles of Complex Bird Songs: A Network-Based Approach, PLoS ONE 7(9): e44436, 2012
笹原和俊, 高橋美樹, 鈴木研太, 岡ノ谷一夫, 大規模データに基づく動物行動学の新展開, 人工知能学会誌 27(4), pp.418-423, 2012
K. Sasahara, M. L. Cody, and C. E. Taylor, Evolution of Small-world Birdsong Syntax: An Implication For Language Evolution, The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Evolution of Language (EVOLANG9) , p.533-534, World Scientific, 2012
K. Sasahara, Evolution of Word Frequency Distribution based on Prediction Dynamics, Five Approaches to Language Evolution: Proceedings of the Workshops of the 9th International Conference on Evolution of Language Workshop, pp.93-94, 2012
K. Sasahara, M. Takahasi, K. Suzuki, O. Feher, O. Tchernichovski, and K. Okanoya, Considering Language Evolution from Birdsong Development, The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Evolution of Language (EVOLANG8), pp.479-480, World Scientific, 2010
*Y. Kakishita, *K. Sasahara, T. Nishino, M. Takahasi, and K. Okanoya (*equal contribution), Ethological Data Mining: An Automata-based Approach to Extract Behavioral Units and Rules, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 18(3), pp.446-471, 2009
O. Feher, P. P. Mitra, K. Sasahara, O. Tchernichovski, Evolution of Song Culture in the Zebra Finch, The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Evolution of Language (EVOLANG7), pp. 423-424, World Scientific, 2008 (1st Hurford prize)
K. Sasahara, B. Merker, and K. Okanoya, Simulated Evolution of Discourse with Coupled Recurrent Networks, Progress in Artificial Life, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4828, pp.107-118, Springer, 2007
Y. Kakishita, K. Sasahara, T. Nishino, M.Takahasi, and K.Okanoya, Pattern Extraction Improves Automata-based Syntax Analysis in Songbirds, Progress in Artificial Life, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4828, pp.321-333, Springer, 2007
K. Sasahara and T. Ikegami, Evolution of Song Syntax by Interjection Communication, Artificial Life 13(3), pp.259-277, 2007
K. Sasahara and T. Ikegami, Evolution of Song Grammars, New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3609, pp.305-314, Springer, 2007
K. Sasahara, Y. Kakishita, T. Nishino, M. Takahasi, and K. Okanoya, A Reversible Automata Approach to Modeling Birdsongs, Proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference on Computing, pp.80-85, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006
K. Sasahara, Y. Kakishita, T. Nishino, M. Takahasi, and K. Okanoya, Constructing Song Syntax by Automata Induction, Grammatical Inference: Algorithms and Applications, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4201, pp. 351-353, Springer, 2006
K. Sasahara, B. Merker, and K. Okanoya, The Roles of Segmentation Ability in Language Evolution, The Evolution of Language, Proceedings of 6th International Conference (EVOLANG6), World Scientific, pp.440-441, 2006
K.Sasahara and T.Ikegami, Evolution of Song Communication in a 2D Space, Advances in Artificial Life, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3630, Springer, pp. 835-844, 2005
K. Sasahara and T. Ikegami, Song Grammars as Complex Sexual Displays, Artificial Life IX: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems, MIT Press, pp.194-199, 2004
K. Sasahara and T. Ikegami, Coevolution of Birdsong Grammar without Imitation, Advances in Artificial Life, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2801, Springer, pp.482-490, 2003
T. Suwada, S. Anami, R. Chehab, A. Enomoto, K. Furukawa, K. Kakihara, T. Kamitani, Y. Ogawa, S. Ohsawa, T. Oogoe, H. Okuno, T. Fujita, K. Umemori, K. Yoshida, R. Hamatsu, K. Sasahara, V. Ababiy, A. P. Potylitsyn, and I. E. Vnukov, Measurement of positron production efficiency from a tungsten monocrystalline target using 4- and 8-GeV electrons, Physical Review E 67, 016502 , 2003
H. Okuno, S. Anami, A Enomot, K.Furukawa, K. Kakihara, T. Kamitani, Y. Ogawa, A. Ohsawa, T. Oogoe, T. Suwada, R. Hamatsu, K. Sasahara, T. Fujita, K. Umemori, K. Yoshida, V. Ababiy, A. P. Potylitsin, and I. E. Vnukov, Experimental study of positron production from a W single crystal by the KEK 8-GeV electron linac beam, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 183, pp.459-475, 2003
F.メンツァー, S.フォルトゥナート, C.A.デービス, 笹原 和俊 (監修, 翻訳)『ネットワーク科学入門: Pythonで学ぶデータ分析とモデリング』 [オンラインチュートリアル]
笹原和俊「デジタル影響工作に対する計算社会科学的アプローチ」『ネット世論操作とデジタル影響工作:「見えざる手」を可視化する』原書房, 2023
笹原和俊『ディープフェイクの衝撃 AI技術がもたらす破壊と創造』PHP研究所, 2023
D. Gamage et al. "Deepfakes and Society: What lies ahead?", Frontiers in Fake Media Generation and Detection (Studies in Autonomic, Data-driven and Industrial Computing), Springer, 2022
笹原和俊「バースト現象としての集団的熱狂―いかに起こり、どのように拡散されるのか」『プロ野球「熱狂」のメカニズム:ファン行動とマネジメントの計算社会科学』(水野誠, 稲水伸行, 笹原和俊編)東京大学出版会, 2021
笹原和俊「計算社会科学とは」『計算社会科学入門』(鳥海不二夫編)丸善, 2021
笹原和俊「集合知」『AI事典 第3版』近代科学社, 2019
笹原和俊『フェイクニュースを科学する 拡散するデマ、陰謀論、プロパガンダのしくみ』化学同人, 2018 [サポートページ]
笹原和俊「社会ネットワーク」他3項目『行動生物学辞典』(上田恵介他編)東京化学同人, 2013
笹原和俊「言語進化の動的理解ー生物言語学と構成論的モデルによるアプローチ」『進化言語学の構築ー新しい人間科学を目指して』(藤田耕司・岡ノ谷一夫共編)ひつじ書房, 2012
笹原和俊「鳥の複雑なツイートとその進化的デザイン」『思想地図β vol.1』(東浩紀編), ゲンロン, 2010
笹原和俊「ニューラルネットワーク」および「生物のコミュニケーション進化のモデル」『言語科学の百科事典』(鈴木 良次, 畠山 雄二編), 丸善, 2006